K2 Affordable Housing

with DesignInc Melbourne

Project Architect 2001-2006

K2 Apartments is a 96 unit affordable housing development that sets a new benchmark in ecologically sustainable, medium density public housing. Four connected buildings are located on the 4800m2 site. The buildings are oriented to allow for maximum northern sun exposure, and are placed to allow a series of public and private courtyard spaces for the tenants. The north facades combine balconies with solid bedroom walls while south walls integrate privacy screens with circulation. The facade and roof were angled for the best possible solar panel placement and also to provide shading to the levels below. Insulation, double glazing and shading enable minimal heat loss and gain. The extensive exposed thermal mass provides internal stable temperatures. Rainwater collection and grey water treatment for reuse in toilet flushing form part of water efficiency strategies. Access to landscape, indoor air quality, natural ventilation and the provision of a variety of communal spaces combine to achieve a socially responsible development.

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South Battery Park City Resiliency Project